Dr Rajiv Menon

Dr Rajiv Menon

Dr Rajiv Menon

Dr. Menon is a Specialist Anaesthetist and Pain Medicine Physician. Apart from his private practice at PainScience, he also practices at Joondalup Health Campus, as well as the tertiary Pain Management Unit at Sir Charles Gairdner Osborne Park Health Care Group (SCGOPHCG). He has extensive tertiary training in procedural and multidisciplinary pain management. Dr. Menon has been endorsed by the Faculty of Pain Medicine to perform pain medicine procedures in all 3 categories of complexity.

He has a special interest in various forms of Pain Management including:

Acute Pain
Chronic Pain
Interventional Cancer Pain techniques
Interventional Pain Procedures including Neuromodulation
Widespread Pain syndromes.

Dr. Menon is also involved in trainee welfare, examination techniques and strategies, and education of Pain Medicine principles for Nursing and other Allied Health staff. He is an examiner for the Faculty of Pain Medicine, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, and a member of the Faculty’s Examination Committee. Dr Menon is an Adjunct Senior Lecturer in the School of Medicine, Fremantle Campus, at The University of Notre Dame Australia.

Dr. Menon consults at our Joondalup rooms as well as at our Mt Lawley and Bunbury locations. He operates at Joondalup Health Campus, Glengarry Private Hospital, St John of God Mt Lawley Hospital, and St John of God Subiaco Hospital.