We perform the full range of pain management procedures (nerve blocks, spinal cord and nerve stimulators) at
- Joondalup Private Hospital (Joondalup Health Campus)
- Glengarry Private Hospital (Duncraig WA).
- St John of God Mt Lawley Hospital
- St John of God Midland Private Hospital
- St John of God Subiaco Hospital
Keeping you comfortable
Because we are both pain specialists and specialist anaesthetic doctors, all patients are offered sedation during their procedure by a qualified anaesthetist.
Care by a pain specialist
To maximise the quality of your care, you will receive a full pain management review by a pain medicine specialist before and after your procedure.
Zero Tolerance Policy
Please note that PainScience has a zero tolerance policy towards abuse to members of staff. Swearing, discrimination, threats, or any acts of violence will not be tolerated, and will lead to being asked to leave the premises.

Please note: While we closely follow and encourage research into medical cannabis, and we are happy to work with patients who are taking these products, we currently do not prescribe them. The Position Statement by the Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPMANZCA) can be found here.
If you have questions regarding the recent 4 Corners piece titled “Pain Factory”, which aired on 08/04/2024, we recommend you read the following statements by some of Australia’s peak pain sector bodies.

Our pain management team includes specialist doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, exercise physiologists and psychologists
We see private patients, workers compensation and insured patients (e.g. motor vehicle). In certain circumstances, we can see patients on a reduced fee basis (e.g. pensioners, healthcare card, students) or ”bulk billed.”
Consultation Services
Pain Treatment Services
We see private patients, workers compensation and insured patients (e.g. motor vehicle). In certain circumstances, we can see patients on a reduced fee basis (e.g. pensioners, healthcare card, students) or ”bulk billed.”