- You MUST be in the care of a responsible adult for 24 hours after the procedure in case of side effects, sleepiness, confusion, pain or falls-risk.
- If you cannot arrange for someone to stay with you, please let the pain clinic know-you will require overnight admission to the hospital.
- DO NOT drive or operate dangerous equipment, participate in dangerous activities, or make legal decisions for 24 hours after the procedure.
- You CANNOT drive home, or go home unescorted such as in a taxi.
- A follow-up appointment will be arranged by the pain clinic.
- Patients with diabetes should closely monitor their blood sugar levels after the procedure as blood sugar may increase after STEROID injections. Your doctor should be consulted if this occurs.
- Patients taking blood thinners should discuss this with their doctor as soon as possible.
- It is normal to experience mild discomfort or numbness in the area of the injection due to bruising or the local anaesthetic.
- Any new weakness or numbness in arms or legs, difficulty with bladder or bowel control severe pain, shortness of breath or fever should be reported immediately to the PainScience clinic during office hours on (08) 6205 7104
- If the pain clinic is not immediately contactable, please go to the nearest emergency department (if possible Joondalup Health Campus) as soon as possible.
- Please call an ambulance on 000 if you are seriously concerned.